Flora and fauna

    In prehistoric times this fertile soil and the mild weather resulted in a great abundance of species with mixed deciduous woodlands, brooks, rivers and meadows which became a thriving environment for numerous animal species and flora. Evidence of Auroch, Bison and Elk having roamed the area has been established by the excavation of bones. The disappearance of Bear (1797), Wolf (1804), Lynx (1819) and the Otter can also be pinpointed forensically.

    In contrast, the numbers of the Mouse-Eared Bat, the big Kingfisher, Wildcat, White Stork and some other amphibians, to name but a few, which were dwindling rapidly can today be seen to be undergoing a resurgence.

A programme recording the Thuringian species consisting of several investigative projects (since 1992), and close co-operation with the appropriate authorities for agriculture and forestry has ensured a scientifically founded record of the abundance of species.

    These facts and this temporary safeguarding as a nature reserve are the basis for a practical cultivation of the forests and open fields on the one hand and the conservation of this unique ecology on the other.

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